What Your Handbag Says About You
Old Bag
Free with $25 purchase at Bath & Body worksOutside-denim, Inside- stripes of orange, pink, blues, and white. Bright teal straps
You wear your handbag over your shoulder.
You tend to be relaxed throughout the day. You are naturally at peace.
Your handbag is big.
You are a high maintenance person. You feel lost outside of your normal environment.
You carry items like a toothbrush or underwear in your bag. (While I haven't carried BOTH of these items on a regular basis, I did keep bandaids, tylenol, rubberbands, snacks, stress ball, bug spray, sunscreen, makeup, afterbite, camera, and deodorant in my bag most of this summer- and panties occasionally)
Your motto is : “Be prepared.” You don't like to be surprised by anything.
Your handbag has bright colors.
You are an outgoing and expressive person. You always speak your mind, and you're very approachable.
Vera Bradley bag
Mod Floral Mini Hipster- in new condition
Found at Sak's Thrift Avenue in Keane, NH
Same crap about being relaxed cause I carry over my shoulder
Being outgoing cause my bag has bright colors. In addition,
Your bag is small.
You are a low maintenance person. You can adapt to a variety of situations.
You would let someone look through your handbag.
You are open and comfortable with who you are. You don't hide anything.
Your handbag has an interesting pattern