Friday, January 09, 2009

More boring than waiting for toast

Now that I feel like I'm on a blogging roll, I keep wondering what to say to stay minimally interesting, and I'm at a loss. Work today was ok. One of my favorite kidlets had a tantrumy day and it's heartbreaking to see him cry. To me, he doesn't have that annoying whiney or plain pissed off cry. Don't get me wrong, he's whining, but he just seems so genuinely broken hearted, plus I have a soft spot for him anyway. He is so loving and happy most of the time, but today he was freaking out and grabbed at me for the first time. No big, though.

Tonight, Matt and I are going to the postponed Christmas party for BCI in Auburn. Don't really know what to expect, but Matt will be there so I'm not too worried.

See? Wasn't that about as boring as waiting for toast? Yeah..I told you.

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