Monday, June 22, 2009


URGH! I just finished typing this very nice blog entry and the Blogger gods decided to mess with the computer and erase it. I'll just recap.

Friday- I strained a muscle in my back at work and felt like I'd never move again.
I couldn't even do a load of laundry and Matt had to do all the cleaning- Big Thanks to Matt!

Saturday- I really needed a day in bed. I was already missing a swanky party in Hartford, a moving party in Warren, and I didn't want to be at Rich's birthday party all day. I feel like I really missed out on big fun. Karaoke, Ladder Ball, Bocci ball, live music, and free drinks. I had to take muscle relaxers just to sit around in a chair, so whenever I took them, I couldn't really drink. Bummmmer! I finally gave up watching everyone have a lot of fun around midnight (after having "partied" 8 hours) Still, it was nice to see Matt having such a great time with old friends he hasn't seen in months. I missed them too and it was a very happy setting. Plus NOBODY beats the Caitlinator at Beirut!

Sunday- Picked up camper in the rain, so I didn't see it open. Still, wonderful plans for it. WE HAVE A CAMPER! WOOO!

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